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Fecha: 08.07.2019
Autor: BrianReima
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Fecha: 06.07.2019
Autor: RichardCib
Asunto: Local Amen for each country
Keep Your Savings Secure and Anonymous
At the moment, a majority of people that want to maintain their savings and accumulated wealth turn to offshore bank accounts, where there money is kept in a standard one currency such as the USD or Euro.
While these institutions may keep your investments and wealth secure, you have to provide your identity and other documents when opening up the account. When you join the Amen System, you receive the safety of a blockchain asset that is backed by all the currencies of the world, while keeping your holdings anonymous and completely secure through the encrypted Waves Blockchain Platform.
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Fecha: 30.06.2019
Autor: RomaNus
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Fecha: 08.06.2019
Autor: Michaelhex
Asunto: Amen Dollar (Amen$)
Protect Your Money from Inflation and Global Recession
Keep your funds protected and anonymous, no matter the global financial landscape.
With a major global recession predicted by economists, people around the world must be prepared for the civil disobedience, hyperinflation and collapsing banking systems that come with it.
As seen in the global 2008 financial meltdown and currently in Venezuela, a major economic collapse leads to inaccessibility to funds, dramatic inflation of local currencies and government control over money.
By becoming part of the Amen System, you protect your financial assets in a system that offers stability, access and protection against the loss of purchasing power.
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Fecha: 06.06.2019
Autor: Freer
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